Once More, Moving On

I’ll be moving house again this year.

It’s something that brings both excitement and stress. There are costs, there are practicalities. I don’t know yet where I’ll end up, which is a thought I had a year and a half ago; I didn’t think I’d be feeling this way again so soon.

But God lead me here, to this house, and it became a home very quickly. I have worked for it to be a home, despite the faults. The weirdness. I hope wherever I end up next has character; I am drawn to houses with personality.

Of course I am looking forward to the unpacking and the sorting. The organising and the decorating. Making a place your own holds appeal. To see something become yours. I still remember walking into this empty house; the sun came in through a window and even though I couldn’t picture anything in the space, there was potential. There was a knowledge of it being mine, if only for a short time. A shorter time than I had been hoping for, yes, but a time nonetheless. The right time, by God’s standards. I don’t think I will ever be someone who can live out of a suitcase, out of boxes. I want to make every space beautiful. I want to feel comfortable wherever I am.

As a teenager, I loved my bedroom. I would rearrange furniture often and change the pictures on the walls. I went through different phases (even a horse phase) and each brought about that excitement as I changed what space I did have.

The changes in a whole house are more subtle, as most furniture has a designated place (and I can’t see these walls covered in horses). But there is a shift with the seasons; blankets come out in winter, flowers are bought in the spring. Christmas decorations are set up in December and the home is cleared again in January. These rhythms, these ways of finding beauty and the feeling of a new beginning, will follow me wherever I go. I know what it is to care for something, and I can’t turn my back on living that way.

God won’t turn His back on me, no matter where I am. He will always be good. He brought me here, and I believe He will bring me to the next place in the right timing. All I can do is what I can do right now, and right now I am not called to pack, or to worry. I am called to take the next step. At some point, packing will be the next right thing. But that is not for today, or tomorrow. Things will become clear; sometimes only in hindsight. But I will take the next step, and continue on.

Sarah xx

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